Hello my lovelies! Wow. Goodness gracious! Long time no see....
Now lets see where we left off.
I really want to give the whole blogging thing a go so to keep up with a more schedule like blog I want YOU to comment whatever you want me to talk about! (Sort of like an "ask Rebekah" sort of deal, don't you think) Anyways! I would LOVE if you guys left me questions, topics, or people or really anything that you would love me to blog about, and I promise I will do my best to answer you guys every Monday.
Question: What should I call these types of Monday blogs?
I was thinking that these could kinda be like a thing to look forward to on Mondays! LET ME KNOW!! :)
Ok so anyways please PLEASE leave a comment down below with a topic or any random thing you would like me to talk about! Thank you! and bye bye!